Gary Mintchell

June 11, 2023

What Is Reality, Anyway?

Companies and media rush us from one catastrophe to another--actually one anticipated catastrophe to another.

Google Glass and Microsoft Hololens were going to numb our brains with Augmented Reality overlaying digital stuff over the physical world. That's if our brains weren't fried with complete escape with Virtual Reality wafting us off to another time and place. It got so hyped that Mark Zuckerberg decided that Facebook becoming passe dubbed the company Meta and sunk billions into the metaverse.

Then Artificial Intelligence on steroids known as ChatGPT (large language models) was going to upend education and replace knowledge workers.

Then Apple brings the conversation back to AR/VR with the unveiling of Vision Pro.

I published preliminary thoughts on the Vision Pro on my blog. The post seems to have generated some traction on LinkedIn. I also released a podcast some time ago.

Cal Newport (Deep Work) sees this technology replacing screens. It may. But do you want to wear your screen on your forehead?

I doubt the utility of AR for manufacturing/production operations. I think it awkward for operators and even maintenance techs to wear these devices. Some think that VR would be great for training, especially since we will need to train so many workers in the near future. I think that is a possibility. VR might also be good for product and machine design as designers look for interferences and fit from their "digital twin."

I leave in the morning for the Siemens Digital conference where there will be much digital twin talk. Maybe I'll pick up something there.

Apple's device looks like awesome technology. It also looks like a solution in search of a problem. What do you think?
