Maneetpaul Singh

March 16, 2021

Making Public Mistakes

I did something a little ridiculous last week.

Within three days I decided to kill my existing newsletter, archive my entire blog, and switch to a platform that just launched with barely any features.

You may be asking why? The intention was to consolidate my content and start on a new platform with a clearer focus.

Part of being a Content Creator involves making bold decisions that are very public.

There is a good chance that the decision I made last week will be a complete failure. And if it is a failure, it will be a public one too.

That is OK.

Building a personal brand isn't just about sharing the final result. It's about sharing the process.

Building a personal brand isn't just about sharing the highlights. It's about sharing the lowlights too.

Mistakes are a good thing. Making them in public is even better.

Mistakes are meant to help us grow. When we make those mistakes in public, we get specific feedback that reinforces the lesson to be learned.

Though I really hope my decision to change platforms wasn't a mistake, I know that if it was, I'm going to learn from it and have a better understanding for what to do next time.

Share your work publicly. Make mistakes. Learn from the feedback.

I post a new essay every day, but to prevent spamming your inbox I only choose to email a few of them each week. Here are my previous HEY World posts.

Thank you for reading.