Maneetpaul Singh

April 21, 2021

"There's Already People Doing What I Want to Do"

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

When I started on YouTube, it felt like I was a small fish in the vast ocean. 

But something I’ve learned is that you don't need to be a big fish to be successful. 

Instead, it's better to be a smaller player that does things better than the established Creators. 

On the internet there's no such thing as original ideas. 

Everything you're thinking about has been done before. If you look hard enough, you'll find any piece of information you want online. 

But that shouldn't stop you from creating. 

"Why should I compete with someone who's already doing it better than I can?" is the biggest excuse I hear from people. 

Here are three reasons why you should do it: 

  1. You have a unique voice. There may be other people creating the same content you're thinking about, but you both will say it in different ways. People may understand it better coming from you.

  2. Being small is an advantage. It's like supporting a local small business versus a large corporation. Sure there are bigger players out there, but people will be drawn to support you instead. Especially your immediate network of friends, family, and colleagues.

  3. You can do it better. Since you're new to the market, you have a fresh perspective on what gaps exist. You can create content focusing on the information that is missing from others. Additionally, you can create content that is better and easier to understand.

Don't create content with the mindset of competing against larger Creators.
Create content with the mindset of adding values in a way others aren't.

Maneetpaul Singh

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