Maneetpaul Singh

March 25, 2021

Using Personal Social Media Accounts To Ship Content

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

I believe in using personal social media to ship content.

One of the reasons aspiring creators fail to start is because of the friction involved with creating a new public account.

• What should I name it?
• How am I going to promote it?
• What should I post on here versus my personal account?

All of this is friction that stops us from creating.

There are only two reasons I feel creating a second account makes sense:

1) You’re trying to create something that is its own brand
2) You plan to ship a lot of specific content that may overwhelm other things you post about

For the vast majority, using personal social media accounts will be more advantageous.

• Associating your own name with your work builds credibility in your personal brand. You’re planting a flag and telling people what you want to be known for.

• People don't follow accounts for the content, they follow for the individual. Sharing multiple interests on one account makes you human and gives people more ways to connect.

• People create a second accounts to keep their personal content private, but I'd argue that most of don't share much personal content in the first place. It's also the personal stuff that people love to connect with when shared publicly.

• As a creator, it's logistically much easier to manage one set of personal accounts than multiple public accounts. There's less overhead and debate on what should be posted where.

• For your community, there's less effort needed to follow the right account for the right content from you.

Putting yourself out there is scary, but what’s worse is letting that fear stop us from creating.

Maneetpaul Singh

I post a new essay every day, but to prevent spamming your Imbox I only choose to email a few of them each week. Here are my previous HEY World posts.

  • On Twitter and Instagram I post content about personal branding
  • My YouTube channel is primarily focused on tech
  • If you'd like to support my work, considering forwarding this to a friend

Thank you for reading.