David Woodley of 49 Data

April 25, 2021

Google Search is not your friend

Let’s face it most search engines seldom give you exactly what you are looking for. The results are acceptable but not great. That’s fine. Search engines are hard to code and pleasing everyone is impossible. But one company in particular loves that fact that their search results aren’t great. Their goal isn’t to make a great search engine. Their goal is to make a lucrative one. And for that, they need you. Or your data to be precise. 

Google follows you, Stalks you, Learns everything they can about you. Then with a wealth of knowledge in hand, Google presents search results that are less about what you are searching for, and more about what Google has been paid to sell you. 

I advise everyone to ditch Google search. They don’t have your best interest at heart. That have the best interest of their advertisers in mind, and Google’s own bottom line at heart. Google search is digital cancer. 

Best alternatives?  Brave (makers of the Brave browser) is working on a new one. Presearch is a an interesting option that pays you in cryptocurrency. But the big issue with these search engines is that they require massive amounts of indexed data. Only big tech can do that. Microsoft’s Bing is the only option that comes close. But again, Microsoft is big tech too.  They may not be as overtly cancerous as Google, but their AIs are feeling you out just like Google’s. The next best option is DuckDuckGo. DDG uses Bing results but they DO NOT track you.  And they don’t index the results to build a profile on you.  Anonymous searching. What a concept!   

DDG is not perfect. No search engine is. But if the choice is between a search engine that follows you and spies on you and one that doesn’t, the choice should be obvious.