Adam Donkin

March 10, 2021

Being part of nature

Most people are subconsciously disconnected from nature. This manifests as as stress, anxiety, and depression. Spending time in nature makes you feel better. But, how do you get motivated to seek out natural environments? Where do you go? And what do you do when you get there?

The answer is birds. Birds are everywhere. They are diverse, social, and endlessly fascinating. Birdwatching engages your intellect through curiosity. And that curiosity motivates you to step outside into nature. Once you start pulling on the thread of birds, you start unraveling a cascade of questions about the ecosystems they inhabit. And you realize it's your ecosystem as well.

Once you awaken to seeing yourself as part of nature, you start to care. And before you know it, you feel love. And the love is returned each time you venture into nature. The quiet solitude feeds your soul and quiets your mind. You become motivated to preserve these precious natural places. And you value the lives of the inhabitants, because you are one of the inhabitants.