While building a textarea component for RapidRails UI, I discovered an interesting Rails behaviour that affects any textarea rendering, whether in regular views or ViewComponents:
Version 1: Adds unwanted whitespace
<%= tag.textarea(...) do %> <%= value %> <% end %>
Result when value is " Hello ":
<textarea> Hello </textarea>
Version 2: Preserves exact content
<%= tag.textarea(...) do %><%= value %><% end %>
Result when value is "Hello":
The behaviour stems from Rails' ActionView template handling system. Specifically, in the content_tag helper:
1. The `content_tag` helper in ActionView:
# actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb def content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = nil, options = nil, &block) if block_given? content = capture(&block) # Captures ALL whitespace end end
The capture method preserves all whitespace within the block, including:
- Newlines after the opening do
- Indentation before the content
- Newlines before the end
2. Rails' own form helper avoids this by not using blocks:
# actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tags/text_area.rb def render content_tag("textarea", value_before_type_cast, options) end
By passing the content directly rather than using a block, it sidesteps the whitespace preservation.
Why It matters
The whitespace preservation is critical for:
- Character count accuracy
- Form validation
- Content formatting
- User experience
- Data consistency
Best Practices
1. Use inline ERB for textarea content:
<%= tag.textarea(...) do %><%= value %><% end %>
2. Or use Rails' direct approach:
<%= content_tag("textarea", value, options) %>
While both solution behave the same, choose what you like.
RapidRails is using content_tag approach:
- Matches Rails' native implementation
- No whitespace concerns at all
- More straightforward
- Less prone to formatting issues
- Cleaner code
3. Document this behaviour in your components/views for future reference.
This behaviour isn't a bug—it's how Rails templates preserve whitespace. However, textareas are special because they preserve whitespace in HTML, making them more sensitive to these template formatting issues.
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Ahmed Nadar