Did you know that human beings are the only creatures who can fear and worry about the future? Yes, animals in the moment of being hunted can be afraid, but they aren’t always thinking and dwelling on the “what ifs”. A zebra for example when it rises in the morning doesn’t worry about the lion coming for it.
When we worry we allow the fight or flight chemicals to release in our bodies, even though we may not be in any immediate danger, our bodies still react as though we are. And in turn this causes us to be anxious which leads to more stress in our minds and bodies, that is blown way out of proportion.
In other words, our worry can start very minimal and small and slowly grow bigger and bigger and bigger until we are completely overcome and encompassed within it. And sadly that can all lead to a deep depression.
Something to learn from this can be summed up in one simple sentence. You are not your thoughts. God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a strong mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) Every single day we have that exact decision to make, are we going to allow ourselves to live in the unsure, worried, and fearful state of mind or are we going to seek His face and trust that His word is true. It doesn’t mean that life is going to be easy or that worries won’t try to sneak back in every now and then, but it does mean that you aren’t alone in it. And that you always have Him to talk to and go to.
Matthew 6:34 say, “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” No one said that you have take on your entire life all at once, take it a day at a time. Yes, there is nothing wrong with looking to the future but you have to understand that right now you are still in the present, living in this moment. And we have the opportunity to live this exact moment for Him. Without worry, without fear, and any other fleeting things you are letting weigh you down.
It’s easy to think some days that life is long and to take for granted the time that we have on this earth, but when you really think about it life is fleeting. It is a single inhale in the lungs of eternity, so why waste a single moment of it filled to the brim with things that add not a single hour to your life (Matthew 6:27).
The Bible, God’s word, declares that the cure for anxiety is to first seek His kingdom and righteousness then all of these lesser things will be added unto us. Because God knows what you have need of before you even pull in the breathe to ask Him for it. So grab His hand and step out of that dip in the ground you let yourself believe was a deep consuming hole, and run with Him.
He’s been God a long time, He knows what He’s doing in you even when you can’t see it or even when you don’t believe it. He doesn’t waver and He doesn’t change. God is constant He doesn’t give His heart in pieces, He gives it fully. He’s got you.