Ainsley Barnes

March 2, 2023

Your Feelings are not God’s Truth

There is something that I find very interesting and very sad about some of our generation now, and that is the fact that when some say they are christians they are only really “christians” to an extent. For instance, there are a lot of “christians” who pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to stand by and believe. And it truly confuses me, because when asked, they say they do in fact believe that the Bible is The Word of God, but at the same token they don’t believe or want to accept the truths in His word. 

Listen, I know that there are a lot of truths in the Bible that are hard pills to swallow, if you will, but it is still God’s ultimate truth. Unwavering and unfaltering blunt truth. I think that a lot christians have become very emotional beings, always wanting to feel and hear something from God but also not wanting to feel or hear too much because what if it isn’t something that we want to hear? What if its a correction from the Lord? We don’t know how to handle correction anymore, the second we hear it we immediately get defensive and try to come up with some sort of way to justify and verify our own personal feelings and actions.

The Bible says to count it all joy when we fall into various trials and temptation, because when our faith is tested it produces endurance. (James 1:2-8) And it is that testing/training of faith that allows for us to grow a stronger relationship with The Lord. Not one verse in the Bible says that God will always let us have our way, or that we can do whatever we want or sin however much we want in life. And not one place in the Bible does it say that following Christ will always be easy, but it does say that God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able to handle. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

And this can also go hand in hand with the fact that you can’t blame God for everything that isn’t going “right” in your life. Again another verse in the Bible says that when we are tempted we can’t say that it is God tempting us, but it is our own evil desire that is dragging us away. (James 1:13-18) There are a lot of people in the world who want to blame God and point their finger at Him for things happening within their lives, but what they don’t realize is that when you point one finger at someone you have three of your own pointing right back at you. We should always check on our own selves before we go around trying to preach to other people about what is wrong with their lives. (Matthew 7:5)

God loves everyone yes, but He does not condone everything. He is a fair and just God, but His word is permeant and unchanging and it does not change because of our feelings, political opinion, or what we think we deserve. His word does not depend on your personal beliefs, but we should depend on His word. There is only one thing that His word stands fast in, and that is The Truth. That Jesus died on that cross and was raised again, for every single one of us. Every unborn baby, orphan, male, female, every criminal, every atheist, every selfish person on this earth (all of us). He died for you, and it’s time to put our feelings aside take up our cross and follow Him because where He is there is life. And life will not be brushed to the side.

About Ainsley Barnes

Hi, thank you so much for visiting my website! My name is Ainsley-- Im a wife and momma to a baby boy and a sweet bunny. Above all that I am a follower of Jesus. I am by no means a perfect person but I know that I, along with you, am loved by a perfect God. It is that alone that keeps me going, working, and striving to be better each day.

I love writing and sharing things I’m learning it is a passion of mine. I strive to share not just my wins by my losses as well. I want to share my failings, because in a world where social media only shares the best and easiest times in life I want to share the raw hard times and teachings. I hope this site can be a place of peace and a place of challenge and learning, I know it is for me. I’m always here for questions, prayer request, and even just a listening ear. Please don’t be afraid to contact me and reach out. Thank you, and God bless.
