Alex Medick

February 14, 2023

Life Principles

Do you have principles for life and work? Do you have a standard code of conduct that you keep as the baseline for all that you pursue in life? 

It’s okay if you don’t. I didn’t for far too long.

After reading Principles by Ray Dalio and How To Fail At Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams, it became increasingly clear to me that having a code to live by is insanely important to success and focus in life. 

And yes, I did just feel like Dexter when I said “having a code.” 😂

I changed that. I thought long and hard about what 10 guiding rules do I want to live by. 

What principles do I want to have my world shaped around that keep me focused? 

I’ve gone through a few iterations, while taking inspiration from a few folks I’ve come across along the journey of life, I crafted something that I believe embodies who I am, what I stand for, what I believe in, and what will help me obtain the life fulfillment / success I am striving for. 

The Life Principles of Alex Medick

1. Make no small plans.
2. Embrace reality & deal with it.
3. Focus on essentialism & minimalism - Be frugal. You need less than you think.
4. Be wildly open-minded.
5: Question everything. 
6. Understand what's in and out of your control.
7. Have high standards. 
8. Go ALL IN on all that you do.
9. Embody zen, peace, empathy, and love.
10. Build rad things with rad people. 

What I love about mine is that these principles can easily flow for work and life as my guiding light. 

Do you have any principles? If not, jot down 7-10 and send them my way. Would love to see what you all cook up. 


About Alex Medick

Dad, Entrepreneur // Building INSIDE