Alex Medick

Dad, Entrepreneur // Building INSIDE

March 8, 2021

Surfing Rules for Life and Business

When I read a book, I try and take down notes and key takeaways to revisit at a later time. This morning, I was going through an old notebook and came across these notes I took on Surfing Rules for Life and Business, taken from Guy Kawasaki's 2019 book, Wise Guy: Lessons From A Life. In Kawasaki's book, he shares the 12 rules of surfin...
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March 6, 2021

The Quest For An Analog Life

When I was younger, I used to spend a lot more time in nature – weekly hiking and climbing trips, mountain biking, surfing, camping and more. But as I got older and fell more into work, those things just sort of fell by the wayside. But when COVID-19 was on the rise and the world began to shut down, it forced me to start finding altern...
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March 4, 2021

What Is A T-Shaped Marketer?

Are you a marketer that does everything under the sun? From paid media and analytics, to branding and web-design? If you said to 'yes' to yourself just now, then you might just be a T-Shaped Marketer. What is a T-Shaped Marketer? Solid question! To be honest, until a few months ago, I had no idea either. I was just always the full-stac...
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March 4, 2021

I'm feeling burnt-out.

Today, I was talking with Inside's Managing Editor, Liam Gill, about burnout. I've been working 60+ hour weeks the last few weeks. With that, I have had little family time and little sleep (yes, my wife is a champ for keep the whole world together while I was deep into work on Inside, VegasGameTesters, and Kuppy). To be blunt, now I'm ...
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