Alexandre Ruban

July 7, 2022 - Brand new tutorial!

Hello everyone! 👋

If you want to learn more about turbo-rails, you will probably be interested in the new video tutorial I just released. In this tutorial, we are going to rebuild all the turbo-rails gem (except the JavaScript parts) by peer coding together.

The goal of this tutorial is to help you:
  • Have a very deep understanding of turbo-rails. By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to contribute to the turbo-rails gem yourself! You also won't need to read turbo-rails documentation anymore as you will understand clearly how each feature of turbo-rails works.
  • Learn how to create, test, and install Ruby on Rails engines (like the turbo-rails gem). By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to create your own gems to extend the Ruby on Rails framework.
  • Get started on reading more open-source code to level up your Ruby and Rails skills. Reading open-source code is a great way to improve your code, but it can be daunting to start without being guided.

The new course contains 4h20 of video content where we will do pair programming and a repository with the source code we will write together. Each commit corresponds to one video to make it easy to follow.

The price of this new tutorial is 59€. For the occasion, you can use the LAUNCH coupon code to get 20% off if you're one of the first 50 customers to buy the course!

I really hope you will enjoy this new tutorial and learn useful things!

Have a nice day, and until next time! ☀️

About Alexandre Ruban

Ruby on Rails developer.
Creator of the turbo-rails tutorial and the rebuilding turbo-rails tutorial.