Alexandre Ruban

February 14, 2022

Released two new chapters on + Github Sponsors

Hello everyone! 👋

I have some exciting news this week! I just released two new chapters on, and you can now sponsor the tutorial on Github Sponsors if you want to directly from my Github profile! 🎉

New chapter releases

The first chapter is about Turbo Streams and making real-time updates on a web page with Turbo. The second chapter is about Turbo Streams and security to ensure we will never broadcast HTML to the wrong users (that would be bad!).

With those two chapters, we will know enough theory on Turbo! In the following chapters, we will only practice what we have learned:
  • The next two chapters will be pretty small and will be about empty states and flash messages
  • The following three chapters will be about finishing the quote editor with Turbo Frames
  • The last chapter will be about deployment on Heroku

Github Sponsors

Some of you asked me about the price of the tutorial once I finished writing it. I thought about it a lot. To give you an answer, I have to tell you a story first.

Before I was a Ruby on Rails developer, I was a financial auditor. I started programming by making Excel programs to automate some of my daily tasks, and making those tiny programs was my favorite part of the job!

I learned Ruby on Rails in my free time, thanks to the Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl. I had an amazing time reading this book, and it was a game-changer for me. When I finished reading it, I knew I wanted to become a Rails developer, so I spent all my savings to join Le Wagon Bootcamp and got my first Ruby on Rails job right after!

In early 2018 according to my Github repo, the Rails tutorial was 100% free to read online. I got a lot of value from it. That's why I wanted to pay to get my PDF copy more than a year after reading it in September 2019, according to the receipt I got by email.

We are very lucky to have open-source resources to learn Ruby on Rails development. I want my Turbo Rails tutorial to be as accessible as possible, and that's why I thought about Github Sponsors. If you get a lot of value from the tutorial, you can sponsor my work. That would mean a lot to me 💖!

I set up Github Sponsors for you to be able to:
  • Make a one-off sponsorship where you can choose a custom amount.
  • Make a recurring sponsorship if you want to support my work in the long term. 

When the book is finished, I will make a sponsors-only repository with the tutorial's code.

I have more ideas for other Ruby on Rails related projects I would love to work on after this tutorial. I will tell you more about them when I am finished writing the tutorial.

That's all for today! Next time you hear from me, it will be with two new chapters!

Until next time!

About Alexandre Ruban

Ruby on Rails developer.
Creator of the turbo-rails tutorial and the rebuilding turbo-rails tutorial.