Alexandre Ruban

January 20, 2022

Releasing the Turbo Rails tutorial website and the first 3 chapters

Hello everyone! 👋

I have some exciting news! I just released, the website that hosts the Turbo Rails tutorial I am currently writing, and the first 3 chapters!

hotrails landing page.png

On, you will be able to try the quote editor we will build in the tutorial and see if it's something you want to learn to do.

You will also find the first 3 chapters with lovely sketches and all the code snippets you need to recreate the quote editor with me.

Unfortunately, there are no Turbo-related articles in this release because I wanted to launch the website as fast as possible, but they will come out soon! When finished, the tutorial should be about 11 chapters. Here is an overview of the expected table of contents:

  1. An introduction
  2. The CRUD on the quote model
  3. Our small design system that will power the quote editor
  4. Turbo Drive
  5. Turbo Frames basics with quotes
  6. Turbo Streams
  7. Turbo Streams and security
  8. Flash messages with Turbo
  9. Turbo Frames advanced with dates and line items
  10. Turbo Frames advanced with quote totals
  11. Deploying on Heroku

Please send me an email if you have any questions or feedback when reading the first articles; I would love to hear from you!

Next time you hear from me, it will be with 2 new chapters about Turbo, design enhancements on, and new features such as next/previous chapter buttons when reading a chapter (I didn't have time to add them 🙈).

See you soon, and feel free to send me an email any time!

About Alexandre Ruban

Ruby on Rails developer.
Creator of the turbo-rails tutorial and the rebuilding turbo-rails tutorial.