Ali Khan

February 12, 2024

Varying Depth of Online Learning Content & Experience

The experience of learning online could be on a spectrum of tough, hard-to-follow, taking rigorous notes, to easy to understand, bite-sized convenient to remember, and audio-only (no need to actually watch the video).

Andrej Karpathy prefers the former approach, a fact that anyone familiar with his technically sophisticated and coding-intensive YouTube videos can attest to. He recently posted

Learning is not supposed to be fun. It doesn't have to be actively not fun either, but the primary feeling should be that of effort. It should look a lot less like that "10 minute full body" workout from your local digital media creator and a lot more like a serious session at the gym. You want the mental equivalent of sweating.

Consider the opportunity cost of snacking and seek the meal - the textbooks, docs, papers, manuals, longform. Allocate a 4 hour window. Don't just read, take notes, re-read, re-phrase, process, manipulate, learn.

Moreover, advising educators and content creators: 

..please consider writing/recording longform, designed for someone to get "sweaty", especially in today's era of quantity over quality.

I agree with Karpathy; an intense, gym-like learning experience results in much better understanding and longer retention than mere passive consumption.

Yet, I also feel the ideal approach varies depending on your learning goals, available time, and mental focus. For those seeking a basic understanding, quick 'learn-in-X-days' content can be perfectly suitable.

About Ali Khan

Techie, maker, dabbling with a few things. Here to share daily learnings and reflections in my personal cosmos.