Ali Khan

September 25, 2023

Why I'm a fan of listening to audio books *now*

For a while, I was unsure about the idea of 'listening' to books. However, for some reason, I decided to subscribe to Audible last month and have now made the choice to continue the subscription after the trial period. Let me share with you the reasons that convinced me:

  1. Enjoying fiction: While I usually prefer marking, highlighting, and adding comments to non-fiction books, I discovered the joy of listening to fiction books like Dune and Crime and Punishment. This experience adds a delightful twist and brings excitement to my daily reading routine.
  2. Enhancing retention of non-fiction: To boost retention, give listening to non-fiction books a try after reading them once. You'll be amazed at how much you can remember and discuss in conversations. Perhaps it's because different parts of the brain engage with the information, forming stronger neural connections.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply an enthusiastic reader, I highly encourage you to give audiobooks a chance. Embrace the magic of listening and let talented narrators breathe life into the text.

About Ali Khan

Techie, maker, dabbling with a few things. Here to share daily learnings and reflections in my personal cosmos.