Alvenne V Goh

March 25, 2021

Book 2: Afghanistan 🇦🇫

A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khalid Hosseini
My copy is a 372-page hardback published in 2007 in the United States by Riverhead Books.

Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.
– Khaled Hosseini

I didn't need to think hard about which book to read as my pick for Afghanistan. I've eyed this book for years before I finally got it for this project. Who here has never heard of Khalid Hosseini and his string of blockbuster novels (The Kite Runner, And The Mountains Echoed, etc.) will need to get yourself a ticket to Hosseini's feels-train, now. With his delicate string of words, Hosseini could describe from the most beautiful moments exchanged between lovers to the most horrid of life tragedies. His other strong suit is to highlight his characters' intrepidness.

And for this, I don't think I need to write more. There's a reason why readers love to recommend his books - hearts have been broken, tears shed, but many more praises have been sung for his novels. This novelist-physician is also a UNHCR goodwill ambassador. When you purchase an autographed copy of his Sea Prayer book, the proceeds will help fund his foundation to support refugees from around the globe.
