Hey World! I am so glad I waited years to start a blog about my global reading project because I can't believe how easy it is to blog using HEY World! I already have an existing Instagram account (@readwithbukutrotter) to talk only about books.
For years, my husband has persuaded me to start a blog to reach a wider audience. He is right, but I was always overwhelmed by the design requirements of WordPress and the likes. My husband, who is a Rails developer, is a big fan of Basecamp. When HEY email was launched, he signed me up too. Little did I know that changing my email platform can reintroduce me into the world of blogging — one which I have always avoided!
My global reading project is entitled BukuTrotter. The word is derived from two languages that I associate dearly:
- Malay — my mother tongue and,
- English — the universal language used by many incredible story-tellers of all time
I share my reading experience as I narratively visit every country on this earth. The rule of my game has always been:
- author of the book was born/raised in said country
- if (1) is unavailable, opt for history-based books of said country
- if (1) and (2) are not available, then any books based on the said country are acceptable ⠀
Along with my review, each post features a flat lay photo of the book and its country, where the flag is made carefully by me using craft papers and printed materials.
Here's a snippet:

More importantly, my intention is to champion and highlight authors from countries whose stories, although culturally and uniquely rich, are always underrepresented by big publishing houses. This experience has opened my eyes to the broad color spectrum of humanity. I hope to inspire others to join me on this adventure!
Any book reviews shared are my own. If you're interested in following me on this journey, subscribe below!
Now, where shall we trot to next, my friends?