
May 12, 2024

Financial Clarity

Yet another night of sleeplessness. I thought it would be a good time to review my expenses. 

Recently, I learned how to use the online banking portal. I downloaded the Excel sheets for the last 30 days for both my debit and credit cards, and to tell the truth, I don't know what I'm doing. I thought I managed my money well, but the spending seems random and unstructured; there are even charges I don't recognize. So it's time to get things back in order.

Ideally, I would consult a financial advisor, but I have GPT here at my fingertips, which is more direct. This is the month where I'll have a plan for what I do with my money, including goals rather than just dreams.

This comes from my determination for financail freedom. I had this objective in my life's mind map under 'Financials,' with a sub-task labeled 'Plan', which I focused on this month, that is, to organize my finances, set budgets, and dedicate prepaid cards for recurring purchases and online payments. This way, I'll control what can be tracked and leave more room for future goals and savings.

Last month I started a long-term investment plan. 

Why didn't I do this before. Obviously, I didn't have the financial independence I have now, and of course, I didn't know what I know now. Indeed, if I had known the online banking portal, GPT financial advisor- I would have worked toward using them sooner. 

If you haven't started yet, give it a try.