Avery V Johnson

July 12, 2023

A Blog Update

Hi there!

If you're reading this, that means you're either subscribed to my blog or you found your way to world.hey.com/avery. Either way, thanks for reading! With this post, I wanted to share an update about the blog.

Ugh. Blog. I feel so pretentious to even say that I have one. But let me clarify a few things: 

  1. Word-working is my chosen craft, and I continue to grow in it. While I don't share everything here, my intent is to share some of my best here. It's nice to have a place where that writing can live.
  2. I have no grand illusions that what I'm writing is anything great, but I take joy in it, and so I continue. It means a lot that I can share that with others.
  3. While I can see how many people have subscribed to my blog, I can't see how many reads I actually get. But gaining a following and having a wide readership aren’t my goals. I'm satisfied in simply knowing that I sent something out into the world.

All that said, you may have noticed I haven't written blog posts regularly. There are reasons for that:
  • This blog is a side project. It's not my main focus, and I'm not interested in writing just to create more noise. 
  • In all honesty, my writing habit is poor. I rely on unpredictable bursts of writing rather than consistent daily blocks. I'm aiming to change that. Recognizing the problem is the first step to resolving it, right?
  • I have a large project that will soon begin taking the bulk of my study and writing. That means that my blog posts may continue to be few and far between. But they will come! I anticipate that I will find refreshment in writing these.

So, where is this going? I intend to continue to write and share as I'm able, though there may be long stretches of time between posts. At least for now. My goal is to write here more regularly in the coming years. If you're subscribed, rest assured that I won't flood your inbox any time soon (if ever).

In broad strokes, here are some of the areas I intend to explore in God's timing:

  • Reflections on the Christian life, including topics like parenthood, technology, and recent Bible reading.
  • What I'm calling "One Verse Wonders." These are a series of posts where I wonder at the truth of a single verse (in context).
  • Themes in The Lord of the Rings, such as providence and humility.
  • Further out yet, I may even share my creative writing—from short stories, to world exploring adventures, to whimsical poetry.

Just to pique your interest, below are some of the concepts I'm thinking about and writing on. All are in various stages of completion. A couple are one sentence ideas while most are full outlines. 

  • Busy, Busy Toddlers
  • Technology or Witchcraft?
  • Hobbits in the Hand of God
  • One Verse Wonder: Psalm 16:11
  • A Little Theology of Eating Plants

Deo Volente!

About Avery V Johnson

I ascribe to the Lord as a scribe to the Lord.

Thanks for reading! If you're encouraged, you can encourage me, as the Lord leads you, by buying me a coffee. Your support spurs on my writing. No expectation, no obligation. Cheers!