Author's Note: The original version of this was written in October 2021. I've revisited and rewritten this into two posts as I've reflected on serving others. This is the first. The War Hammer of Blessing is the second.
When I taught Sunday school to the 5th & 6th graders, one of the tasks I gave them was to create their own weapon or piece of armor to add to the armory of God (Eph. 6:10-18).
I should have written them all down; there were some really great ideas. The example I gave was the Bugle Horn of Worship. I was inspired by the Horn of Gondor and the trumpets used in Scripture (Josh. 6; 1 Cor. 14:8) as well as the idea that worship can be used to fight against the enemy as we sing of our faith in God (2 Chron. 20:20-22).
One example that a student gave was the Bow of Generosity. Don't miss the dual purpose of this bow; it's used to kill our own greed and bless others. What a good weapon to wield.
When I taught Sunday school to the 5th & 6th graders, one of the tasks I gave them was to create their own weapon or piece of armor to add to the armory of God (Eph. 6:10-18).
I should have written them all down; there were some really great ideas. The example I gave was the Bugle Horn of Worship. I was inspired by the Horn of Gondor and the trumpets used in Scripture (Josh. 6; 1 Cor. 14:8) as well as the idea that worship can be used to fight against the enemy as we sing of our faith in God (2 Chron. 20:20-22).
One example that a student gave was the Bow of Generosity. Don't miss the dual purpose of this bow; it's used to kill our own greed and bless others. What a good weapon to wield.
Another bow that we don't normally think of is God's bow in the clouds—the rainbow. This is a weapon that He wields—not us. It was given as a sign of His promise to never again destroy the earth with a global flood (Gen. 9:1-17). Both the bow and the promise are beautiful. But look where the bow is now pointing: to God Himself. I've heard it said that in placing His bow in the clouds, God was not just promising what He wouldn't do again but also what He would do. Rather than cleansing the earth again in the waters of judgement, He willingly stepped between us and His judgement in Jesus Christ to cleanse us by His own righteous blood.
If we were there with Noah when God put His bow in the clouds, we wouldn't have understood the significance of what He was promising, but on this side of the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, we do! He holds the victory, and His wins are beyond number. He is sovereign, so He never fails. His success is guaranteed, but His triumphs often take unexpected forms. Salvation belongs to the LORD; He is mighty to save!
God Himself needs no armor; he is invincible and indomitable. For those that oppose Him, His weapons are devastating. For those that love Him, His weapons are life-giving.
This is the thought I want to dwell on: God's weapons give life to those who love Him. This is not true of the weapons wielded in our world. They are all designed to destroy. But God works in surprising ways, and while His weapons are to be feared by the wicked, they are to be esteemed by the righteous. No matter how God uses His weapons, they always fulfill the purpose for which they exist: to glorify God.
If we were there with Noah when God put His bow in the clouds, we wouldn't have understood the significance of what He was promising, but on this side of the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, we do! He holds the victory, and His wins are beyond number. He is sovereign, so He never fails. His success is guaranteed, but His triumphs often take unexpected forms. Salvation belongs to the LORD; He is mighty to save!
God Himself needs no armor; he is invincible and indomitable. For those that oppose Him, His weapons are devastating. For those that love Him, His weapons are life-giving.
This is the thought I want to dwell on: God's weapons give life to those who love Him. This is not true of the weapons wielded in our world. They are all designed to destroy. But God works in surprising ways, and while His weapons are to be feared by the wicked, they are to be esteemed by the righteous. No matter how God uses His weapons, they always fulfill the purpose for which they exist: to glorify God.
Doxological Extras:
1) Dismiss the Devil with a Song and Ambushing Satan with a Song by John Piper