Muhammad Badrah

February 20, 2022

Blockchain-Powered Credibility

I found the following very interesting and would love to hear your thoughts:
  • Erasure
    • Blockchain-based trust protocol for general purpose online transactions.
  •  Numerai
    • Information marketplace and a stakes-based stocks-trading built on top Erasure.

I suggest watching the video first for the general overview, and then Erasure web page for more applications and potential use-cases.

Very curious about exploring this further!

How does all that sound to you?

About Muhammad Badrah

I strive for enabling prosperity and joy for everyone by way of abundance and transparency, utilizing science, understanding, love of learning, systems thinking, and technology as tools.

Thoughts here are raw, developing, and most of the time are work-in-progress notes-to-self. They may have errors. They can and they will change over time. If interested, please share your thoughts, poke holes, give feedback, and help shaping them up further.