Muhammad Badrah

July 10, 2022

The 37signals Employee Handbook

I was sharing 37signals' Employee Handbook with a friend, when I attached the following description:

A true piece of art!

Which by definition means not necessarily perfect nor for everyone, but definitely something to admire and is beautifully in a good direction!

It was a spur-of-the-moment thought, without any prep or editing. Seems like this is what a true piece of art brings out of people ☺️

I read it again and liked it a lot!

Aside from the awkward feeling of admiring words I wrote, I wanted to save it here. I can then share this Hey World thought with future abundant-prosperity seekers and fine-art admirers.

Borrowing from a dear friend and mentor, Gene Bellinger, how he always trail his messages.. 
Be well,

About Muhammad Badrah

I strive for enabling prosperity and joy for everyone by way of abundance and transparency, utilizing science, understanding, love of learning, systems thinking, and technology as tools.

Thoughts here are raw, developing, and most of the time are work-in-progress notes-to-self. They may have errors. They can and they will change over time. If interested, please share your thoughts, poke holes, give feedback, and help shaping them up further.