Muhammad Badrah

February 26, 2022

The Active Learning Method - Sprouts

  • Connecting a new piece of information to an existing piece boosts retention and understanding.
  • Having an attempt at a question or an "activity" beforehand generates such a foundation for when the educator eventually provides the answer or the instructions.
  • The whole process has an impact on many fronts: engagement, excitement, understanding, effectiveness of the learning process, information retention, potential of coming up with insights, potential of better application of new knowledge in solving existing and future problems.
To explain how to apply Active Learning in classrooms, we collaborated with Professor Carl Wieman, a Nobel Prize winning physicist, who researches and champions the approach. Prof. Wieman helped us proofread, fact check and write the script — he was an invaluable source of information. It was our greatest honor to be able to work with a mind as bright as his.

About Muhammad Badrah

I strive for enabling prosperity and joy for everyone by way of abundance and transparency, utilizing science, understanding, love of learning, systems thinking, and technology as tools.

Thoughts here are raw, developing, and most of the time are work-in-progress notes-to-self. They may have errors. They can and they will change over time. If interested, please share your thoughts, poke holes, give feedback, and help shaping them up further.