On the topic of Habits, I liked the “Habit Loop” a lot from the Atomic Habits by James Clear. It's very simple and eye opening. Not sure how easy and effective to apply though.
The Habit Loop:
The Habit Loop:
- A cue triggers a craving
- The craving makes you want a reward
- You respond to get that reward
- The reward satisfies your craving
To help with building a habit:
- Make it Obvious (cue)
- Make it Attractive (craving)
- Make it Easy (response)
- Make it Satisfying (reward)
To help with breaking a habit:
- Make it Invisible (cue)
- Make it Unattractive (craving)
- Make it Difficult (response)
- Make it Unsatisfying (reward)
A very good “visual” summary of the book:
Thank you Andrew Nalband for the amazing summary!