Muhammad Badrah

July 7, 2022

Your Brain at Work

A recent conversation about the "clever pun" ☺️ behind the "What Works" project at 37signals reminded of such a good book "Your Brain at Work" by David Rock (along his blog and podcast) with an equally clever pun in its title.

The trail I left a few years ago:
Thorough and practical yet not overwhelming. The author had very good balance between going deep into the vast research about the brain while at the same time without overwhelming the reader with too much abstraction or medical terms.

The storyline throughout the book was very solid and coherent. It provided the perfect anecdotal companion to the brain science behind each situation as well as the illustration of how to apply the practical recommendations presented.

Strongly recommended for everyone and not just for work environments but for all aspects of life.

I played this book more than 3 times.

Written in the form of play telling the story of how the brain "works" throughout a "work day" of a family of four. A newly promoted marketing executive mother, a self-employed technology consultant father, an older teenage daughter, and a younger teenage son.

Each scene is played twice, before and after the practical observations about how the brain works and how to leverage such an understanding for a more effective work (and personal) life.

The author struck a very good balance between going deep into brain research yet without overwhelming the reader/listener by too much abstraction or medical terms. Just the right amount of both (in my opinion) along with citations and pointers to more details for the interested fact-finder. 

An enjoyable investment worth your most precious resource, time.

About Muhammad Badrah

I strive for enabling prosperity and joy for everyone by way of abundance and transparency, utilizing science, understanding, love of learning, systems thinking, and technology as tools.

Thoughts here are raw, developing, and most of the time are work-in-progress notes-to-self. They may have errors. They can and they will change over time. If interested, please share your thoughts, poke holes, give feedback, and help shaping them up further.