The last 3 months have been incredibly busy at work. Despite the challenging core role, I was able to continue meeting new and returning coaching clients and overall spend more than 35h in coaching conversations. What struck me was how much we all seem to be dealing with similar challenges in work and life.
1) We all believe we are deeply and uniquely flawed.
2) We all have our demons / saboteurs trying to tell us what we can't do/ won't accomplish/ aren't cut out for.
3) We are all ambitious to achieve more.
4) We all despise bullshit and long for the truth.
5) We all wonder how to best balance doing great work & showcasing our work authentically.
Why am I sharing this? Simple - to create awareness that there is nothing wrong with you! You are just another flawed human being like all of us and you struggle with things like we all do.
There is a clear difference though in 2 ways of how people deal with their challenges.
Persona 1 sees only the negative, gets overwhelmed by the amount of things stacked against them and starts to retract, avoid certain things, essentially sticking their head in the sand as a victim.
Persona 2 sees the negative and the positive, clearly acknowledges what's in their control, builds a plan and starts executing that plan immediately. I generally see these people as more resilient, happy and just overall pretty badass!
If you find yourself stuck with a challenge, I can really recommend getting a coach.
The way I explain coaching to my clients is: "In the next hour, I will hold your challenge in my hands for you to walk around it, take it apart, consider all the aspects and nuances before re-assembling it, Ideally with a clear idea about what step to take next."
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