As I write, my right knee is feeling a bit achy. My mind is wandering to places like "Is my hairline going to be okay this year?" and "Exactly how long will I be paying off my student loans again?" I'm trying to remember if I forgot something pertaining to work or if I’ve forgotten anything at all.
A part of me is surprised I’ve made it this far. I’ve dealt with my fair share of depression and I’ve been at some low points in the past ten years. I have a lot of things on my plate now, much more than I’ve ever had before. It’s been a struggle to keep up with my responsibilities on top of the language barrier but there’s a lot to look forward to…
Thirty-five might not be the most impactful year. I don’t predict anything moving the earth beneath my feet, but I want to focus on this year being a year of improvement. Reinforcing good habits, constructing a system to capture my knowledge and ideas efficiently, logging my data for posterity, and keeping my body in relatively good shape are all areas I plan to focus on. I’ve already begun working on a few of these areas and it seems like these past two months have already been successful.
There are a lot of things I’m hoping for my life in thirty-five and beyond. I’m well on my way to being more of the person who I want to be. I’m thankful for all of the people in my life and for all the opportunities that have been afforded to me until now. I have a lot to do and I’d better get busy…
Nearly there!
About Benedict Terrell
I’m a coffee professional and hospitality enthusiast living and working in Japan. I’m a frequent marketing figure for my company, Ogawa Coffee. Otherwise, I dabble in music production and iPhoneography. I suffer with/benefit from ADHD and advocate for mental health in all aspects of life!
Find me on Threads,Mastodon, or get more personal and email me at