Ben Norris

March 11, 2021

Teaching sketchnotes outside

I have been asked to give a couple talks at a homeschooling conference about sketchnotes—one to young adults, and one to adults. No big deal. I’ve taught classes and presented on sketchnoting often enough.

But there is a wrinkle.

Due to the shitstorm that is the world right now, all of the venues cancelled, and so the conference will be outdoors. I found out today that as a result, there will be no projector. This I have never done. Giving a presentation on visual notes without being able to show any visuals is an interesting challenge.

I get to provide each group that attends a handout, which appears to be a single sheet of paper. And I have to submit that in a couple weeks.

My head has been spinning since I got that email. I know that constraints are necessary for creativity, so this is a chance to think creatively.

We’ll see how this goes…