Ben Sinclair

November 24, 2022

Happiness comes from wanting what we have

The world's concept of happiness is having what we want. However, never has there been a society where people have so many things yet are so unhappy.

Happiness isn't about having what you want. It's about wanting what you have. As long as you're focusing on what you don't have, or what you can't do, you'll be unhappy. But when you begin to appreciate what you already have, you'll be happy all of your life.

From the Freedom in Christ course.

Those couple of paragraphs are so true and at the same time so challenging.

As someone who has grown modestly in wealth over the past few years, I can testify that more money and more possessions do not bring happiness. There's always something more you want and the song Mo Money Mo Problems is true.

I'm challenged to be more thankful for what I have. My wife, two kids, a loving extended family, friends who genuinely care, a church community, a roof over our head, and a job to pay the bills. The list goes on and on.


About Ben Sinclair

Hey! I'm Ben. I’m a Christian (a child of God), husband, father, son, friend and I work at I'm passionate about Jesus, finance and technology. These writings are for me, however, maybe they’ll be interesting to others. Thanks for stopping by!