Ben Wilson, Author

July 27, 2023

New Chapter, New World - Let's Connect!

Hey there!

It’s me, your guide through speculative futures and beyond. It’s been quite a ride since I penned down my first book back in 2011. We’ve traveled through time, through universes, across bleak and promising landscapes. I’m deeply thankful for your company on this journey.

I have news! We’re about to pivot---from dystopian science fiction to a more white-hat vibe. Still in the realm of sci-fi, but with a twist of optimism. I’m eager for you to join me in these new worlds. First, I want to finish the Navy Quartet of the Postal Marines as I’ve committed to those four books.

I wanted to share a new way we can stay connected: “Hey World.” It’s like a digital campfire where we gather to share stories, updates, and thoughts. You can chime in anytime - reply, ask questions, or just say hi. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other better.

Why the pivot? I want our connection to be more personal and friendly, not like another email newsletter lost in the shuffle. So, I’m asking you to make the jump with me. Subscribe to Hey’s World. If you don’t, no hard feelings. We’ll just part ways for now.

In terms of upcoming adventures, there’s a lot cooking! I have two new books in the pipeline, set in an alt-history 18th century world. They’re on hold right now, but I promise they’re worth the wait. I’m also working on four more books about Litovio from the Postal Marines series I’m calling the Navy Quartet. Plus, a brand new tool for writers coming this Fall... maybe. I don’t know. We’ll see. Right now, it’s only for me. I have three features to complete before I think it’s good enough. It’s all exciting, and I can’t wait to share more with you.

For other news, my wife and I are celebrating our 21st year of marriage. We broke the 20-year mark ready for the next 20 years.

About Ben Wilson, Author

By day, I navigate the complexities of information technology. By night, I craft enthralling worlds of Science Fiction that inspire and captivate. But I am a family man all the time.
Author of the Postal Marines series.