B Hari

March 9, 2021

naanyar.com ( Who Am I ?) in Tamil

The web site naanyar.com is now live. The website has resources for people who wish to start their inward journey. This was a long cherished intention which has now got realised, thanks to the clubhouse app.

The  Who am I ? club was started in joinclubhouse.com . We have 10 minute silent sittings there every day in the morning and evening . It has now became important to facilitate people who visit us at the clubhouse to provide them with some resources that they may find useful .

  • The site contains the audiobook of Who Am I ?- The teachings of Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi . This audio book was produced by myself a few years back and not released .
  • The site also contains the link to download the WHO AM I text in multiple languages from a link to ramanasramam.org.
  • It has a link to ramanashraman.org
  • It contains a primer on Advaita which is a 6 part video from Swami Tadatmananda from Arsha Bodha Center in the USA.
  • It contains videos on Who Am I , explained by various teachers and gurus.
  • It contains about 525 videos of various Philosophers, teachers and gurus on Non Duality.
  • It contains the 18 part lecture series on Atma Bodha, a classical masterpiece on Advaita written by Sri Shankaracharya.
  • There is still some cleaning work which needs to be done , which is likely to happen every day now.

Hope naanyar.com will be useful resource for beings who wish to go on an inward journey.

Thank You.

In loving service,


Simplicity with substance
