Brandon Pittman

April 1, 2021

Email Is Pretty Great

Email is the great equalizer of Internet communication. Anyone can send one to anyone else. Nobody owns email. Sure, there are different services and apps, but fundamentally, it's an open form of communication. If you have your own domain, you can pick it up and move it to another service provider at any time. You're not locked in. The...
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March 31, 2021

You Have All You Need

Humans need surprisingly little to survive. We convince ourselves that we need more, more, more—but we don’t. Instead of wanting more, try wanting what you already have. If you want what you have, you can call yourself wealthy this very moment.
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March 31, 2021

Just the Essentials

We have a tendency to go for the bigger, better option in everything. This leads to overspending, overeating, and overdoing it. Whenever you’re making a choice, try asking “Is this essential?” or “What would less look like?” You’ll often find that you can get by with far less than you first imagined and you’ll thank yourself later when...
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