This picture is pretty special to me. Xoel and I had been hitch-hiking for two days and we had finally arrived to our destination, a small school in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. We were going to sleep there for a week while competing in the biggest orienteering event in the world.
When we entered our "bedroom" (a smelly classroom shared with a couple of 75-year old Russians) and I saw that phrase hanging on the wall, I smiled. I had just hitch-hiked 500km with my best friend, I had recently graduated from university and I was applying for jobs located all around the globe. I was really enjoying being out of my comfort zone.
15 days later, I accepted a job offer from a start-up based in London. Exciting times!

Then, 2 and half years later, I'm back at home, still working for the same cool company and earning between 3 and 4 times the average gross salary in Spain. As a software engineer, life is treating me well: I have been recently promoted, I don't have to do extra hours and I'm not stressed out. Nevertheless, I have just quit my job because of... lack of motivation.
It's really interesting to see the different reactions from such decision. Most of my Spanish friends and family couldn't wrap their head around the fact of quitting due to simply lack of motivation. For them, there are so many things more important than being motivated at their workplace. In fact, the most recurrent piece of advice that I got from them was
"I would probably stay for a few months to save more money"
But what's really the point of that? I mean, I get it. That's a sensible piece of advice, specially during these uncertain times. But I need more than that. As corny as it sounds, I want Mondays to be exciting again.
On the other hand, most of my colleagues understand my decision. Some even say that it was a great decision, that I should be earning more. Funny, huh? I guess that software engineers' privileges are hard to understand unless you're one of them.
"So now... What?"
I don't know, and I like that. I haven't looked for another job yet, so possibilities are endless: Maybe I work on some side projects, perhaps I decide it's the perfect moment to cycle around the world, or to start my own company. Maybe I just end up working for a big tech company, time will tell.
I just know that when I quit my job and I saw that picture, I smiled again.
Note: I wrote this 2 months ago, right before I quit my job.
Note: I wrote this 2 months ago, right before I quit my job.