Brian Austin

February 20, 2023

15 Nanoseconds of Fame

Look Ma 

I made it mom! Last week I published an article on HackerNoon, less than 24 hours later it was featured in the daily newsletter. In a matter of several days my site traffic jumped (1 to 40). LOL 

Not a bad investment of several hours on Friday night and Saturday morning. I submitted the article to several sites including HashNode, LinkedIn, etc. I drew the attention of a colleague. 🤭

HackerNoon's editorial staff (ai/human) dressed up the article, but you can see the original on my website. Emboldened by my newfound fame I wrote a second themed article about the impact on users... and didn't publish it. 

I blathered about "the end of free" a couple weeks ago, and as the Twitter scenario continues to play out, I think this article will evolve.


Obviously, I'm going to quit my job and become an Internet celebrity. NOT. The experience does demonstrate how a quick A/B test can reveal how shameless self-promotion can work. Posting to LinkedIn can work, but it's more of a beacon. Same goes for industry sites, groups, etc. all beacons that lead back to your online identity. 

Practically speaking I'll continue to write articles for the three websites and cross posting the really good ones on other sites. I really want to create a few videos and GitHub repos for actual coding, but I'm still learning how to create engaging videos.

Quality Not Quantity 

While I'd love to crank out content like, at best, an influencer, or at worst an AI Bot it isn't for me. I'm busy with work, busy IRL with parenting and home ownership. More to the point, I want to help people and advocate for myself, not burn out.

I drew from the experience of Catalin Pit who I follow on Twitter. I loved the engaging, daily content but at some point, it became too overwhelming. Thankfully they are still creating but has found a more manageable creator-life balance.
Ultimately, I'll play the long game of quality work that stands the test of time. If that work flows freely great, but if it doesn't happen for weeks or months, fine. If you want to stay up to date, click subscribe on Hey.World or follow me on Twitter

About Brian Austin

| AI Dev Tool Research | Engineering Leadership | Tech Lead Manager | Software Architect |

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