Paul Steckler

March 16, 2021


I just received my invitation to Clubhouse. Much like Facebook when it launched, I don't get the big deal. This is normal for me and for most I guess. Is the appeal the access to celebrities and influential people? If so, that will go away over time as the crowds (like me!) swarm in and muddy the waters. I knew Twitter was big when I first got on. Of course I also thought Tumblr was going to be huge and it sort of was on it's way when its leadership team was waylaid by the lure of filthy lucre.

On the other hand the format is refreshingly simple. There is a room, you go in, and listen. And maybe get to ask  question but maybe not. It reminds me of the old social DJ app (gr... what was that called?!?) which was cool right until you realizes you didn't really want to listen to someone else's music. The app is also incredibly simple which is a relief; not much swiping, not much to setup.

I also wonder if people who are dealing with endless Zoom calls will want to tune in to listen to, well, anything?

Again, history shows me that I am probably wrong and Clubhouse will be a jillion dollar company before too long.