Garrett Catlin

August 10, 2022

Hello, World!

Hello world, my name is Garrett Catlin! I graduated with my Masters' degree in Applied Statistics in December 2021 and, at the time of this writing, I'm currently employed by the Wyoming Department of Health. If you'd like to view me as a more of a person, and less of a whatever-stereotype-statisticians-are-associated-with, you may enjoy the following curiosities: 

These being noted, I do take great pride in my work and the intent of this blog is (mainly) to showcase some of my statistical endeavors. At the moment, I'm primarily occupied with discrete event simulations using simmer in tandem with osrm to find optimal placements of public health related entities given predictions from Bayesian models (using brms). However, in general, I'm interested in communicating statistical results in a down-to-earth manner through visualizations, R Shiny applications, and audience-focused writing.

Stay tuned for more; here's to trying something new!

- Garrett C.

About Garrett Catlin

Your friendly neighborhood data scientist.