
January 24, 2024

Meditation is a superpower

I started daily meditations almost eight years ago. It wasn’t easy at first.

It’s still not that easy some days, but it’s a tremendous help for thinking. Or clearing the mind.

I still remember the first time I meditated.

I was going through some tough times. I had just been let go and have decided to make a career change. It wasn’t clear where I was heading. I remember I had a lot in my mind and needed some outlet.

I found it in daily meditations.

The first session didn’t last for more than three minutes. My mind was all over the place. My thoughts were going in circles. But I continued doing it every day.

And things got better.

I was able to push past three, five, and then ten minutes.

Some days I made it to twenty.

It helped me calm down and think clearly. I learned that meditating is not just about not thinking or watching your thoughts.

Meditation is personal.

It’s whatever you decide it is for you.

If you feel like you need to meditate on a decision, then sit down, close your eyes, and think.

You make it own practice and that’s the beauty of it. Meditation is a superpower in the age of technology, social media, and never-ending scrolls.

I continue to meditate daily.

And you should too.

About Richard

Life long learner.
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