Chandler Santos

December 20, 2024

Life is only 1.92 hours long

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First things first, when scripture says, "do not forget this" you better believe the highlighters are coming out the drawer, but honestly, whether scripture told me to "not forget" or not, I would highlighted this either way. Reading this verse, puts me a in a state of revernece of how insiginicant I am to the grand scheme or things AND how signinifant my God is in the grand shceme of things. 

So, if we were to calculate this, the constant constraint is that 1000 years = 24 hours (or one day).

That means...

1 year = 24 hours / 1000 years = 0.024 hours

Can you wrap your mind around that? One year is essentially just 0.024 hours to God. As I write this in late December, with 2025 looming just around the corner, it strikes me that if we were to convert the time from 2024 to 2025, it amounts to a mere 1.44 minutes in God’s perspective. Wow.

Now, let’s take that a step further. 

According to Google, "The average lifespan of an American in 2025 is approximately 79.61 years." If we consider an average lifespan of 80 years (because who doesn't want to round up?), we calculate:

80 years = 80 years * 0.024 hours/year = 1.92 hours

Therefore, if we take the verse at face value, an average person's life of 80 years would be approximately 1.92 hours to God. Just let that sink in for a moment.

Chandler Santos

About Chandler Santos

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