Christopher Evangelides

June 6, 2023

Perfect unwind ☀️

I’m out.

Today is my last day of work for almost 3 weeks (with the exception of 2 days at the end of next week). More importantly, I’m taking my first full week off since November last year. It’s kinda embarrassing but true. I do the 9-to-5 thing just fine (with my way ofc 😉) but when taking extended time away from work, I’m bad (my OM and TL are very much aware of that!).

The OOO message has been set so it’s time to unwind and enjoy the Mediterranean by spending countless hours at the beach, reading my book, partying with friends, eating nice meals as well as reflecting on the last months, planning for the near future - both professionally and personally - but most importantly decreasing my time in front of the screen!

I’m sure I’ll have some interesting stories to share over the next weeks with regards to the activities above, travelling to new places and of course, my annual dub-dub-dee-see (WWDC 👨🏻‍💻) thoughts - so watch this space!

Adiós por ahora y habla pronto 🏝️

About Christopher Evangelides

Senior GIS & EO Consultant at Ricardo 🌍👨🏼‍💻 Keele and UCL alumnus 🏛 I'm a techie and I love playing tennis, running and spending time in the kitchen and the great outdoors 🎾👨🏼‍🍳🏃🏽‍♂️🥾 ohh and oftentimes, I share my thoughts here on HEY!