
September 20, 2021

kwee’s week in photos

Have you ever seen a 6-foot tall dandelion forest 

The most never-ending yet satisfying
The pha a a a a a a ntom of the opera is there inside your mind 
🥠the good kind of pithy🥠

Hbd Clio

Drive-in Shang-chi
Give us a kiss

Chugga chugga choo choo 
new york is b a c k baybee
Look at this happy, happy dog, just a happy happy dog 

trigger warning
graphic content  
below 😔 😭
Back when I worked in high-rise construction, I learned that one LEED point can be earned by designing a building with less reflective windows, in order to deter bird collision. NYT article about the advocacy/importance of the issue
And here’s the most recent update on a historic proposed initiative passed by NY city council regarding glass skyscrapers in NYC (though can’t find an update since December 2019, so I wonder if COVID-19 threw a wrench in furthering legislation)

and I don't have anything on snakes being run over by cars, but it was another directly human-caused animal death that I encountered this week (;′⌒`)