1 Minute Read
As I've mentioned maybe once or twice, I begin most days when we're home with a 5 mile walk in my beloved Presidio. It keeps both me relatively healthy and sane. Right? Right???
But I digress because this is mostly a serious post, as it begins with a tragic death. This past Wednesday, I was on my walk, saw this memorial, and snapped a sad photo. For you locals, this is on Arguello, near Inspiration Point.
I had read about this elsewhere already, but seeing the memorial in person was moving.
But do you know what? I feel I could die on my morning walks. And at the hands (shaved legs?) of these same (occasionally) self-righteous cyclists. WHAT? I mean it, and here's why.
Where I walk is a paradise and an amalgam of routes perfect for self-important cranky walkers and buff cyclists alike. It is a national treasure and the more the merrier, of course.
Except when I almost die.
I would say that on 10 - 20% of my walks, I am nearly grazed by a cyclist, going way way way too fast. I am talking a little bit after sunrise in a National Park where it's just me and the coyotes - I will turn a corner and WHOOSH - some Lycra-clad douche blows through at 30 - 40 MPH. Trust me - it's been close enough that the image of my pelvis being shattered into smithereens was a bit too vivid.
Indeed, I've had that experience multiple times at each of these locations.
So - as we mourn our fallen bicycle riders and work together for places designed for people, not cars - let us remember it is not only cyclists in danger out there.
Now: get off my lawn, and go to a fucking velodrome if you want to race your bike.
And have a great weekend.
Let's turn biking frowns upside down with Katrina and The Waves and their diabetes-inducing song "Walking on Sunshine". Here, you might need this.