Happy Monday, and some housekeeping first. This will be the last post from my hey.com email address. All future posts will come via Substack.
If you're reading this, you'll be getting a notification soon from me that your address has been moved there; all current subscribers receive free lifetime subscriptions to whatever this is at Substack.
I would now like to highlight a guy whose last name is pronounced in a way that I enjoy hearing. Indeed, it is pronounced just like the famous artist Charles Clough. But I like him even more because I believe he is largely responsible for the taming of The Psycho Woke during last week's Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Thank you, David Plouffe. You may recall that he and David Axelrod were the masterminds behind Barack Obama's 2008 landslide victory. And now he's a senior advisor to Kamala Harris.
A reminder that I am as progressive as anyone reading this. I loathe inequality in any flavor, be it justice, social, or wealth. But suppose the Dems had droned on about finally breaking the glass ceiling, electing the first black woman president, electing the first Indian American president, and yada yada fucking yada. In that case, you've lost the very people you must win over. And marching every LGBT person with a pulse on stage wouldn't have helped much, either.
Because do you know who pushed all of those things? Hillary Clinton during the 2016 DNC. I just heard excerpts from her acceptance speech back then and the differences with Harris's were fairly astounding. In 2016, the rallying cry was "Let's elect a woman as President!" This year, and rightly, it is:
"Trump must be defeated."
Playing identity politics and putting Americans in ever-narrower silos is divisive and unhelpful. David Plouffe - who got a black guy with the middle name Hussein elected - is too smart to let the overly left Psycho Woke ruin this.
I, for one, am thrilled he's back and I think the messaging is correct. Because even the Republicans I know don't want to go back to Trump.
My library buddyByron Browne IV was kind enough to share the habits of his hairdresser with us.
The guy who cuts my hair fully maximizes his library card and shared these apps that make it super easy to access their content remotely. I haven’t really explored any of them but maybe your readers might be interested in checking them out.
And there was this powerful message from Steven Simon, who knows something about entrepreneurship himself:
I love this line:
And I was right every time. I had discovered a talent for prudently spending the money of others. Very wealthy others.
Showing that you care about your client is the most important reputational asset you can have.
In over 25 years as an entrepreneur, the best compliment I ever got came from the GM of a casino client in Laughlin. "The reason I continue to work with you is because you care about my business. All those other guys are just trying to take my money."
Thank you for reading this newsletter.
No doubt these were Plouffe's terms, right? Here is AC/DC and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. OK, apart from the title track and a couple of others, this may be my least-favorite Bon Scott-era AC/DC album. But its title was too perfect for today.