As I depart, I thought I'd stun the Portico Darwin fan club with The Origin Photo for this blog. Yep, this is it: my high school senior year yearbook photo. Look at the feathered hair. Look at the ample shirt collar. And for God's sake, don't miss the gold chain. This is the real thing, a snapshot I took this week, once I found the 1981 edition of the storied Colonie Central High School Garnet & Gold yearbook. You're so very welcome.
True story from this era: I once did my "Speech to Instruct" in my senior high school Public Speaking class on tapping a Matt's Beer Ball. I brought to class a partially emptied Ball from the past weekend's innocent decadence, cleverly concealed in a garbage bag, with the tap removed. When the time came, I stepped to the front of class, introduced myself and my speech, and then revealed and tapped the Beer Ball. I can neither confirm or deny whether I actually poured beers in class.
The teacher, "Jumping" Jack Vrtiak - a teacher with the dynamism of Mike Pence, but without his animal magnetism - was not amused, and I recall getting a week of well-deserved detention. Kids: stay in school, don't do drugs, and for Christ's sake, don't tap kegged alcoholic bevs in the classroom.
(Although I don't think he's a reader of this blog, my classmate at the time, the wealthy Texan and Christian evangelist, Jay Howling, can confirm this story.)
Back to today. I started reading this article on wealth inequality, which will appear in the June issue of The Atlantic. Highly recommended - I've PDF'd a copy of it for your convenience (and my own, for the flight tomorrow!). It's a long read, but I'm finding it informative. And horrifying.
FROM THE UNWASHED MASSES The tanned, rested and ready Fi Deuce agreed with my anger towards those that won't get a Covid vaccine. But she spun it with some good humor:
"Good Morning! My favorite reason for people not getting the vaccine is due to their certainty that it is a way to insert microchips into our bodies. I mean really????"
Fi, I just KNEW it!
I knew there was a reason I suddenly want to raise taxes on the wealthy to 85%, confiscate all guns, outlaw Christianity, and make all children wear uniforms with the Communist Manifesto embroidered within. And this same reason must be why I want the uniforms themselves made by AOC-lookalike undocumented Latinx transgender women, in former US suburban country clubs, which were confiscated personally by VP Kamala Harris, and converted by teams led by Rachel Maddow and Michelle Obama into windmill-powered "Peoples' Factories".
(My apologies for the snark and my overtly political tone today and maybe even recently. But the Republicans offed Liz Cheney [she's clearly not conservative enough!], and I'm fed up. And that was already after trying to stomach the HBO documentary on QAnon earlier this week. No, I do NOT understand some in our country right now. And for the record: we could not stomach the HBO documentary on QAnon. Watch the trailer at the link and see if you don't agree.)
In closing: I received a last-minute request from a reader, who shall (ironically) remain nameless, for a name change - they weren't quite satisfied with my oh-so-clever twist on their actual name. But do you want to hear the name the reader requested? "Bubbles Llamas". Uh, no. No name change. For your own sake.
Thank you to anyone reading this blog.
KLUF High school? Late '70's/early '80's? Plans to Enjoy Life? Matt's F'ing Beer Balls? Grab the tap and hold on tight gang, it's AC/DC and the best Bon Scott studio album, "Powerage". I love every song on this album, and while live Bon Scott-fronted AC/DC (Bob Scarf, if you're reading this: watch the video at the link!) is the gold standard for the band, "Powerage" more than gets the job done.