
January 28, 2024



Also in my time off the net I while visiting my best friend. Listening to music. She has an almost completely analog music system. She does not belong to a streaming service. Listens to vinyl and tape. It would be totally analog, but she does have a neighbor down the road, who will for a small fee, take downloaded FLAC files and converts them to reel-to-reel tape.

She is NOT an audiophile. She is just old fashioned. She does all this, not because she is some kind of retro-nostalgia freak. But because this is how she learned to listen to music, and it works. She also bakes scones from scratch. This is normalized in her world. 

And here is the deal. It sounds vastly better !

We experimented and found that the single biggest contributor to the loss of audio fidelity was Bluetooth. If you have Bluetooth anywhere in your audio chain, you are missing out. 

I am not going into the vinyl vs. digital debate. She doesn't even know about that. She doesn't care. It never occurred to her. She was once well off financially, and hung out with musicians and audio heads. This was the setup she got used to in the late '70's and just keeps doing the same. 

That advances in technology have improved the world is without doubt. Yet in many fields advanced technology has just made things crap. 

I urge you to take your "AirPods" off, and put on a pair of wired cans, plug into a good digital to audio box, and listen.

"Oh that's what Chet Baker's horn sounds like, I'll be damed."