
June 27, 2021

"Ok Boomer"

To the youth.

Ya, we fucked it all up.

We old enough to know better, we did it.
Yes, it is, really and totally fucked, we know that now.
I could say, sorry, but that cheapens both you and me.
I could blame it on forces outside my control,
But that would be a lie.

If we had been paying attention, but we weren't.
If we had been honest, respectful, and humble.
But we were so self-centered, so full of growth, 
So sure that it could go on forever.

Ya, we fucked it all up.

Even if we slam on the brakes now, 
You are still going to hit the wall, hard.
Yes, you should be angry, pissed off.
We stole your future. 
We put it in our plastic, our gas, our suburban houses.

Ya, we fucked it all up.

An Amends is fixing what you can.
Admitting guilt, paying the price.
Working your ass off to make it right.
It needs to hurt, it needs to be a sacrifice.

Ya, we fucked it all up.

We can stop the madness now.
No we won't be able to repair all the damage.
Yet we can re-wild, de-grow, and teach interdependence.

So my pledge to you.
I will stand beside you. I will amplify your voice.
I will do whatever it takes to ease your pain.
I will give up what is left of my future, for yours.
I don't care if it hurts me. We deserve it.

~ corlin