
January 27, 2023

On Orcas, Beadwork, Identity, and Counter Social

This started when I was about four years old we had moved to the San Juan Islands and my dad was teaching me how to swim in Puget Sound. He did this by having me climb on his back, my arms around his neck while he would swim slowly out into the bay. One morning as we got to the dock, and an old fisherman said that a pod of Orcas were visiting. So instead of swimming, we got in the dory rowed out.

This was my very first encounter with Orcas. When we got to deeper water, they found us. Imagine if you will, a small rowboat, low in the water. With a wide eyed four year old seeing an animal much bigger than the boat, swim up next to us, Its fin taller than my dad standing. Then lifting its head out of the water to have a good look see at me !  Maybe a foot or two away. I remember this as clear as if it was yesterday.

I had many such encounters over the years that we lived there. It is very hard to describe the emotions. Orcas are the top predator, in those waters. Incredibly fast swimmers, strong, and curious about the world outside. As youngsters they play, as grandmothers they help raise their young. They are social, intelligent, and they grieve the loss of one of their own.

Some kind of connection was made in me, to them. You might call it spiritual. I don't because there ain't nothing woo woo about an Orca eating a full grown salmon. Or tossing a bay seal in the air like a toy, to teach youngsters to hunt. I have in the past called them my "sprit animal", but that is just an anthropomorphism. And I am not of the first peoples. So it does an injustice to both. This I do know, Orcas will never be tamed. Never be 'friends' with humans. They are and will remain the wild side of nature, and of myself.

Years, and many lifetimes later, I have always had drawings and photos of Orcas, on my wall in my house or on my person. No matter how removed from the Puget Sound I traveled. To remind me of that first encounter. Of their power. Of their grace in the water. And the fact that 'nature' is not natural in the human sense. It is something we are embedded inside of. Not separate from, and thus cannot contain it in any ontological sense.

And I have had this in many forms, painted, wood cut, photo. I have even come close to having it tattooed.  It has become a talisman of sorts. A part of my identity. How I would like to see myself in the world. So, ya, important to me.

So when I saw on Counter Social that our very own Michelle was open for beadwork commissions, I struck up a conversation with her about maybe doing this in beadwork. It was a challenge she took on. I had no idea that she would fully embrace this, and work so hard on the execution of it. As you can see, she did a fantastic job! So first thanks to Michelle for her work, and thanks to Counter Social for allowing us to meet, and fulfill one of my dreams. 

It has also been a dream of mine for years to wear this representation of Orca on a jacket or a piece of clothing. And now this is possible. I have hired a seamstress to sew this beautiful beadwork on to my favorite black coat. I am blessed by the Orca again. And will be carrying this on for years.


(note 1: Beadwork can be found, and commissioned here.)

(note 2: Counter Social, is not an alternative to twitter, it is much better, check it out)