
March 22, 2021

The 4 Noble Truths

My hip, and irreverent take on the 4 Noble Truths.

1. You are totally fucked.
2. The reason you’re totally fucked.
3. You can unfuck yourself.
4. This is how to unfuck yourself.


Ok, all crap aside, this is important.
Knowing that your suffering is real, Is incredibly beneficial.
This feeling of unsatisfactoriness, of not being quite right, is the starting point to asking what is going on. It is the beginning of an investigation. This is the first Nobel Truth. To ask, to look directly at what is going on. To examine your own truth. Yet most important is to know you’re not imagining it.


So, now on to why. Finding out why you’re suffering, feeling unfulfilled, is opening the door. The fancy words are “Dependent Origination”, it just means “This is this, because that was that.” Just knowing that there is a cause, can be helpful. The more you investigate the causes, the more you can see that this is work you can do. Sure there is a long list of unskillful thoughts and intentions. But the most important thing is to just know that they exist.


Yea… The good news. There is in fact a way out of felling unease. It can be done. Many people have done so. You can do this. Yes feeling whole, and part of the world is very doable. Just knowing there is a way out, can sustain you through some bad times. Oh you see by now that it is not going to be easy. But look, see for yourself, this doesn’t require belief, this is just factual. There really is an end to suffering.


(rtfm), Yep there is a manual. The only things required are intent and practice. No, it is not easy, nor simple. Some will say it is not the goal, but the journey. I say it doesn’t matter. Yes there are clear instructions, and many methods, but the main point is that the 8 fold path, can be taken by anyone at anytime. Just start. Begin right here, right now. You will find a lot of people walking along side of you.
