The previous in-depth examples on UBOs and Ultimate parents are only scratching the surface of what's possible with BODS RDF. So I thought it would be useful to provide a broader range of queries for some common (and less common) use cases in the beneficial ownership problem space.
A note on ownership and control queries
The BODS RDF vocabulary provides a bods:ownsOrControls property which can be used to identify direct ownership/control relationships.
?person bods:ownsOrControls ?company .
This, however, is a shorthand for the following:
?ctrlStatement bods:hasInterestedParty ?person . ?ctrlStatement bods:hasSubject ?company .
The former is useful for quick graph traversal when determining the existence of a relationship is sufficient. The latter can be employed to extract further ownership & control details like share percentages, interest types, etc.
?ctrlStatement bods:hasInterestedParty ?person . ?ctrlStatement bods:hasSubject ?company . ?ctrlStatement bods:statesInterest ?interest . ?interest bods:sharesMin ?minShares . ?interest bods:interestType ?interestType .
Below are some examples that use both and hopefully give you an idea on how to build these for your own use case.
SPARQL Queries
- Other companies controlled by the same individuals. For a given company, it lists the individuals controlling it directly, along with any other companies they control directly.
- Control details for other companies. A variation on the above, with added information on share percentage and level of control over the sibling entities.
- All the entities connected to a company. The companies with control over the target or which the target controls (directly or indirectly).
- All the companies that an individual controls directly. It includes control type and share percentage.
- Common ownership or control. Lists the individuals or entities with direct or indirect control over two given companies. It can be used to determine if two companies are connected in any way, or if they are controlled by the same parties.
- Individuals with at least 20% control in a company. Lists the share percentage and type of interest (shareholding, voting rights, etc).
- Person with more than 50% voting rights
- The ownership chain between a UBO and a company. Includes the share control (percentage) for the intermediate links in the ownership chain. Relevant for retrieving additional details when processing an entity's UBOs.