Cosmin Marginean

February 17, 2023

BODS RDF - SPARQL examples for various beneficial ownership use cases

The previous in-depth examples on UBOs and Ultimate parents are only scratching the surface of what's possible with BODS RDF. So I thought it would be useful to provide a broader range of queries for some common (and less common) use cases in the beneficial ownership problem space.

A note on ownership and control queries

The BODS RDF vocabulary provides a bods:ownsOrControls property which can be used to identify direct ownership/control relationships.

?person bods:ownsOrControls ?company .

This, however, is a shorthand for the following:

?ctrlStatement bods:hasInterestedParty ?person .
?ctrlStatement bods:hasSubject ?company .

The former is useful for quick graph traversal when determining the existence of a relationship is sufficient. The latter can be employed to extract further ownership & control details like share percentages, interest types, etc.

?ctrlStatement bods:hasInterestedParty ?person .
?ctrlStatement bods:hasSubject ?company .
?ctrlStatement bods:statesInterest ?interest .
?interest bods:sharesMin ?minShares .
?interest bods:interestType ?interestType .

Below are some examples that use both and hopefully give you an idea on how to build these for your own use case.

SPARQL Queries