Here are a few links to the blog archive:
- Moving out of WordPress
- A plan is not a strategy
- A/B testing your app icon
- We’re not saving lives here
- A/B test your design, not your product
- Live preview for your UIKit views
- Hello Spain! 🇪🇸
- Writing a Networking Library with Combine, Codable and Swift 5
- Getting a job at Automattic
- CoreData Transformable and NSSecureCoding in iOS 13+
- Styling Gist embeds with CSS
- I'm joining Automattic!
- Redux-like architecture with SwiftUI: Real World App
- Redux-like architecture with SwiftUI: Error Handling
- Redux-like architecture with SwiftUI: Side Effects
- Redux-like architecture with SwiftUI: Basics
- Launch Screens and the SwiftUI App Life Cycle on iOS 14
- Mentoring Junior Engineers (and new hires)
- Protocols and Combine: Using @Published in your Protocol declaration
- Mentoring Engineering Interns
- The reality virus
- Do your best work
- Life with the iPad Pro
- Find yourself some time
- My iOS development book list
- Last day at Endava
- Switching jobs does not have to be painful